
You have probably heard the terms observation and inference used several times in statistics. The act of watching, or monitoring, something is called observation. Using senses, objects, units, people, or any other thing, is called observation. The observer observes the objects and takes notes. Do you know what is the difference between an Observation and an Inference?

Inference, on the other hand, refers to the conclusion that is drawn from the evidence and facts available. Deductions are based on the research done. Anyhow, let’s check below what is the difference between observation and inference?

What is the Difference Between Observation and Inference

These two terms are so interconnected that they seem to be synonymous. However, the truth is that they are two different words. If you’re looking for the differences in observation and inference, then you have come to the right place. Take a look.

Observation is the act of gathering data, and inference is the act of making decisions about that data.

While observation can be described as a factual description of the situation, inference is a way to interpret the data. Inference is the result of careful observation. Observation is a careful watch of what is around you.

Inference is a conclusion based on what one sees. Inference is merely a guess based on the observations made.

Let’s talk about observation. One definition of observation is a close examination of the world around us through your senses. Observation can be described as a way to infer. It provides material for inference. Each person’s observation may be different. The individual’s attitude, knowledge and experience will all influence how they observe. Attention is a key aspect of observation. Attention is a key to observation. The better one can infer, the more attentive he should be. An observer does not need to have an eye to see things, but should also have keen eyes to make observations.

Inference is based on observation. Inference is a conclusion that has been drawn from keen observation. An interpretation of facts can also be called inference. A valid inference can only be made if there is enough evidence or data. Inference is a way to evaluate the circumstances and make good decisions.

Inference is a conclusion based on observation. Inference and observation are interrelated. There is no observation without inference, and there should be inference after observation.


  1. Inference is a conclusion based on what one has seen. Observation refers to what one sees.
  2. Observation can be described as a factual description. Inference is a way to explain the data.
  3. Observation is a close observation of the world around us through your senses. An interpretation of facts observed can be called inference.
  4. Inference is a conclusion based on observation.
  5. There is no inference without observation. After observation, there should still be inference.
  6. Observation can be described as the gathering of data. Inference can be defined as the taking of decisions about the data.

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