
The verbs tener (to have) and haber (to have), in Spanish, have different uses and meanings. Tener indicates possession, and the verb haber, existence.

In Brazilian Portuguese, we have the custom of using the verb ter with the same value as the verb haver , which in Spanish is a mistake, as these verbs have different meanings and uses.

Therefore, it is important to be careful when using them. Know their differences and learn how to use them correctly!

What is Difference between Haber and Tener

Let’s check below what is Haber and what tener is to know what is the difference between Haber and tener?

What is Haber?

In Spanish the verb “haber” is used to express existence, so it can be replaced by exist/exist. In addition, it can also be used to express obligation or need in general, and in this case, it should be used followed by que (hay que).

As it is impersonal, it does not need a subject, therefore, it is not conjugated; its form changes only in relation to time (present, past and future).

In Spanish, the verb Haber is used to express existence, so it can be replaced by existe/existen. In addition, it can also be used to express obligation or necessity in a general way, so it must be used followed by what (hay que).

As it is impersonal, it does not need a subject, therefore, it is not conjugated; its form changes only in relation to time (present, past, future).

What is Tener?

In Spanish the verb ter is used to express posse, so it can be replaced by posse. Unlike the verb to have, the verb to have needs a subject, therefore, it is conjugated (I have, you have, she has, etc.).

Furthermore, like the verb to have, it can be used to express obligation or need (have to), but when referring to something or someone in particular.

In Spanish, the verb tener is used to express possession, so it can be replaced by posee. Unlike the verb to have, the verb to have needs a subject, therefore it is conjugated (yo tengo, tú tienes, ella tiene, etc.).

In addition, as the verb to have, it can be used to express obligation or necessity (it is necessary), but when we refer to something or someone in specific.

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